It’s worth getting to know which elements of the website can be checked and whether it’s worth checking them, as well as learn the easily available methods of verifying their proper functioning.
Contractor Relations
10 stages of the website creation process
This process may vary in details depending on the type and size of the project, but typically it consists of the same stages.
Who to invite to the competition for a website, and how to choose the winner?
In this article, we will focus on who to invite to the contest, how to choose the winner and what to do after choosing the digital agency which will carry out the order.
How to write a good brief for a website?
Brief is a document which allows the potential contractor to obtain key information about the commissioner’s needs along with the basic data about him – these are necessary to prepare an offer.
How to put a contract for a website creator out to tender?
Each project is different but there are some rules that allow you to increase your chances to gather valuable bids from digital agencies.