Wondering how to constantly keep your customers in the loop on your activities? Well here’s how you can utilize status pages for improved customer engagement.
How to Use Email Marketing to Reach Your Audience
Emails sound outdated. But, is it actually forgotten? Do emails still exist significantly? No matter how much one denies this, email marketing is still prevalent. Even more, it is among the most trusted forms of marketing.
Crucial Tips to Make Your Marketing Email More Captivating
Every day the world is driving to new methods of marketing and branding. But when we discuss marketing strategies and, at the same time, thinking of ways that can be budget-friendly, email marketing hits the mind. Surely, email marketing is the way that outshines many others in terms of connectivity, such as, Chatbots, social media …
5 Ways Guest Posting Can Help You Build a Strong Online Presence
In the world where everything turns digital, customers are more and more determined to spend time researching products online. More than 97% of potential customers turn to Google to search for local businesses. This single fact is enough to prove that having a strong online presence is key to your marketing strategy, no matter what …
8 Reasons Why Influencer Marketing is Going to Take Over 2020
All in all, influencer marketing is an effective way to market your brand and reach your target audience. To justify our point, we have come up with 8 reasons why influencer marketing is going to take over 2020.
8 Content Marketing Procedures to Boost Your Business
This article covers the top content marketing procedures to increase sales and hence boost your business.
Referral marketing program: a proven strategy to gain more customers
What is a referral program and how to use it? This article will spell everything out, and you will find out how to inspire your existing customers to recommend your services to their friends.
7 Important Facts That You Should Know About Influencer Marketing
If you’re a brand or company, you should already be making good use out of influencer marketing, as it is the best marketing strategy to use in this generation.
9 Reasons Why Email Marketing is Still the Best Way to Generate Leads
Emails are the first revolution of communication in the digital industry. They are vibrant and powerful. Even though there are numerous ways to perform marketing, emails are still finding their own way out. Consider someone who does not have Email. Isn’t bizarre? That’s how emails have become part of our lives. Also, as a marketing …
An Effective Website Within 3, 8 or 13 Months (Infographic)
Did you know that, depending on the route you choose, you can have a great website done quickly and for a reasonable price – or loose a lot of money and waste many months?